Security Services

Mobile Response Team

    ADVSS (MRT) Security Officers check in on your property throughout the day or night, providing you with a sense of security and the added benefit of deterrence. Patrols are designated by contract and designed to be both random and regimented. All of our vehicles are tracked via GPS and the guards are equipped with the latest technology to provide you with the necessary reports.

    ADVSS (MRT) will work with your on-site team and develop a customized inspection procedure to determine the best patrol time-frame and frequency for your property. Our Mobile Response Team (MRT) can, depending on the contract, conduct random security patrols throughout the day/night and respond to resident complaints, provide campus support, parking enforcement and building access.


Get in Touch

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions about our security services or would like to request a quote, please don't hesitate to contact us.